They say a baby changes everything. I’ve never been able to figure out who “they” are, but I’m discovering they’re right.
They say there will be sleepless nights. Showerless days. Caffeinated lows.
They are right.
They say there will be unplucked eyebrows. Unmade faces. Unkempt hair.
They are right.
They say there will be colicky bellies. Late night crying. (And they’re talking about the parents.)
They are right.
But what “they” don’t say is…
In the midst of all this change is one tiny dream of a person. One person who, one day, will be a doctor, artist, scientist, writer, compassionate human being…
Who knows what difference this tiny human will make in this broken world?
Indeed, this baby could change everything.
Zoey changes everything except her Mama's love for writing -- which her mam has discovered she can do while bouncing baby with one hand and typing with the other, or watching her sweet thing sleep next to the keyboard...